By Ephraim Hardcastle for the Daily Mail
Published: 20:53 EDT, 30 August 2022 | Updated: 21:16 EDT, 30 August 2022
Prior to the Queen's arrival at Balmoral a large removal van delivered some comforts including an electric buggy from Windsor and a special orthopaedic bed to aid HM's sleep.
It's thought to be the first time she has taken her bed with her, something son Charles famously utilises when staying with friends.
If Camilla insisted on a bespoke waterbed, might she and the heir drift apart?
Prior to the Queen's arrival at Balmoral a large removal van delivered some comforts including an electric buggy from Windsor and a special orthopaedic bed to aid HM's sleep
Peter Mandelson, calling on Keir Starmer to redouble Labour's efforts to raise money from private donors, warns: 'Keir cannot allow the party to become the plaything of hard-Left unions. Those who want to see a centre-Left Labour government must reach into their own pockets.' According to Electoral Commission records, Mandy has never made a substantial donation to the national Labour Party or any individual MP. Could his lordship, who lives in a £12.5million Regent's Park house in Sir Keir's central London constituency, set an example and open his wallet?
New BBC Sunday Morning star Laura Kuenssberg, pictured, with her praise for the incoming premier as a 'great survivor', must be the bookies' favourite
Following Nick Robinson's failure to grill Liz Truss, who will get the first substantial TV interview with the next PM? New BBC Sunday Morning star Laura Kuenssberg, pictured, with her praise for the incoming premier as a 'great survivor', must be the bookies' favourite. But Laura's first opportunity is her second show on September 11 – seven days after Liz's expected triumph. BBC political editor Chris Mason could be a better bet doorstepping Liz on her first day in No 10. Does Laura hope Liz is off her oats on Monday and will remain tight-lipped for a week to give her an inaugural scoop?
Supporting former cabinet minister Rory Stewart's claim Boris is 'hoping to do a Berlusconi' and eventually return to Downing Street, superannuated paramour Petronella Wyatt remarks: 'Knowing Boris as I do, there is no doubt he is planning a political comeback. If he wasn't, he would disassociate himself from the members' petition asking for a vote on his resignation.' No comeback for former mistresses, Petsy?
Responding to news Jacob Rees-Mogg is planning to sell off £1.5billion worth of government offices in London – while repeatedly urging civil servants to stop working from home – Lord Sugar rages: 'Lazy gits watching golf and tennis at home while they [are] supposed to be working. We the taxpayer are paying... get them back to the office or fire them.' Isn't Sugar a great loss to the diplomatic corp?
Warbler PJ Proby claims that Tom Jones was catapulted to super stardom after stealing his act. That's not how Tom remembers it. 'I was on tour with Cilla Black and It's Not Unusual had just been released,' remembers The Voice star. 'The guy who co-headlined, PJ Proby, had been kicked off because he bust his pants open and it annoyed them. So I took his place.'
Judging her local dog show, Rachel Johnson gives a special award to Jeremy Paxman's spaniel-dalmatian crossbreed rescue hound Derek. But where was Paxo's jumbo rosette in the best-in-show hangdog look category?
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